Source code for aiomas.util

This module contains some utility functions.

import asyncio
import importlib
import ssl
import warnings

import arrow

__all__ = [

[docs]def arrow_serializer(): """Return a serializer for *arrow* dates. The return value is an argument tuple for :meth:`aiomas.codecs.Codec.add_serializer()`. """ return arrow.Arrow, str, arrow.get
[docs]def create_task(coro_or_future, *, ignore_cancel=True, loop=None): """Run :func:`asyncio.ensure_future()` with *coro_or_future* and set a callback that instantly raises all exceptions. If the argument is a coroutine, a :class:`asyncio.Task` object is returned. If the argument is a Future, it is returned directly. If *ignore_cancel* is left ``True``, no exception is raised if the task was canceled. If you also want to raise the ``CancelledError``, set the flag to ``False.``. The difference between this function and :func:`asyncio.ensure_future()` is the behavior when an exception occurs within the background task: Exceptions that occur within the background task are normally only raised when you :keyword:`await` that task. If you start a background task that runs "forever", you will only see the exception when your program ends and you either :keyword:`await` the task or if the task object gets garbage collected (in which case the exception is just printed to *stderr*). That means that your program can crash and you won't notice it because no exception is actually raised or printed. To make development and debugging easier, this function adds a callback to the background task that will re-raise all exceptions immediately. """ try: ensure_future = asyncio.ensure_future except AttributeError: # "ensure_future()" is not available in Python 3.4.0–3.4.2 ensure_future = asyncio.async task = ensure_future(coro_or_future, loop=loop) def cb(f): if f.cancelled() and ignore_cancel: return f.result() # Let the future raise the exception task.add_done_callback(cb) return task
[docs]def async(coro_or_future, ignore_cancel=True, loop=None): """Deprecated alias to :func:`~aiomas.util.create_task()`.""" warnings.warn('Deprecated. Please use "%s" instead' % create_task.__qualname__, DeprecationWarning) return create_task(coro_or_future, ignore_cancel=True, loop=None)
[docs]def run(until=None): """Run the event loop forever or until the task/future *until* is finished. This is an alias to asyncio's ``run_forever()`` if *until* is ``None`` and to ``run_until_complete()`` if not. """ import asyncio loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if until is None: loop.run_forever() else: return loop.run_until_complete(until)
[docs]def make_ssl_server_context(cafile, certfile, keyfile): """Return an :class:`ssl.SSLContext` that can be used by a server socket. The server will use the certificate in *certfile* and private key in *keyfile* (both in PEM format) to authenticate itself. It requires clients to also authenticate themselves. Their certificates will be validated with the root CA certificate in *cafile*. It will use *TLS 1.2* with *ECDH+AESGCM* encryption. ECDH keys won't be reused in distinct SSL sessions. Compression is disabled. """ ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2) ctx.set_ciphers('ECDH+AESGCM') ctx.load_cert_chain(certfile=certfile, keyfile=keyfile) ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED ctx.load_verify_locations(cafile=cafile) ctx.options |= ssl.OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION return ctx
[docs]def make_ssl_client_context(cafile, certfile, keyfile): """Return an :class:`ssl.SSLContext` that can be used by a client socket. It uses the root CA certificate in *cafile* to validate the server's certificate. It will also check the server's hostname. The client will use the certificate in *certfile* and private key in *keyfile* (both in PEM format) to authenticate itself. It will use *TLS 1.2* with *ECDH+AESGCM* encryption. """ ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2) ctx.set_ciphers('ECDH+AESGCM') ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED ctx.load_verify_locations(cafile=cafile) ctx.check_hostname = True ctx.load_cert_chain(certfile=certfile, keyfile=keyfile) return ctx
[docs]def obj_from_str(obj_path): """Return the object that the string *obj_path* points to. The format of *obj_path* is ``mod:obj`` where *mod* is a (possibly nested) module name and *obj* is an ``.`` separate object path, for example:: module:Class module:Class.function package.module:Class package.module:Class.function Raise a :exc:`ValueError` if the *obj_path* is malformed, an :exc:`ImportError` if the module cannot be imported or an :exc:`AttributeError` if an object does not exist. """ try: mod_name, obj_names = obj_path.split(':') except ValueError: raise ValueError('Malformed object name "%s": Expected "module:object"' % obj_path) from None obj_names = obj_names.split('.') obj = importlib.import_module(mod_name) for name in obj_names: obj = getattr(obj, name) return obj