Welcome to aiomas’s documentation!

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aiomas is an easy-to-use library for remote procedure calls (RPC) and multi-agent systems (MAS). It’s written in pure Python on top of asyncio.

Here is an example how you can write a simple multi-agent system:

>>> import aiomas
>>> class TestAgent(aiomas.Agent):
...     def __init__(self, container):
...         super().__init__(container)
...         print('Ohai, I am %s' % self)
...     async def run(self, addr):
...         remote_agent = await self.container.connect(addr)
...         ret = await remote_agent.service(42)
...         print('%s got %s from %s' % (self, ret, remote_agent))
...     @aiomas.expose
...     def service(self, value):
...         return value
>>> c = aiomas.Container.create(('localhost', 5555))
>>> agents = [TestAgent(c) for i in range(2)]
Ohai, I am TestAgent('tcp://localhost:5555/0')
Ohai, I am TestAgent('tcp://localhost:5555/1')
>>> aiomas.run(until=agents[0].run(agents[1].addr))
TestAgent('tcp://localhost:5555/0') got 42 from TestAgentProxy('tcp://localhost:5555/1')
>>> c.shutdown()

aiomas is released under the MIT license. It requires Python 3.4 and above and runs on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

Indices and tables