Source code for aiomas.codecs

This package imports the codecs that can be used for de- and encoding incoming
and outgoing messages:

- :class:`JSON` uses `JSON <>`_
- :class:`MsgPack` uses `msgpack <>`_
- :class:`MsgPackBlosc` uses `msgpack <>`_ and
  `Blosc <>`_

All codecs should implement the base class :class:`Codec`.

import inspect
import json
import sys

    import blosc
except ImportError:
    blosc = None
    import msgpack
except ImportError:
    msgpack = None

from .exceptions import SerializationError

__all__ = ['serializable', 'Codec', 'JSON', 'MsgPack', 'MsgPackBlosc']

TYPESIZE = 8 if sys.maxsize > 2**32 else 4

[docs]def serializable(cls=None, repr=True): """Class decorator that makes the decorated class serializable by :mod:`aiomas.codecs`. The decorator tries to extract all arguments to the class’ ``__init__()``. That means, the arguments must be available as attributes with the same name. The decorator adds the following methods to the decorated class: - ``__asdict__()``: Returns a dict with all __init__ parameters - ``__fromdict__(dict)``: Creates a new class instance from *dict* - ``__serializer__()``: Returns a tuple with args for :meth:`Codec.add_serializer()` - ``__repr__()``: Returns a generic instance representation. Adding this method can be deactivated by passing ``repr=False`` to the decorator. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> import aiomas.codecs >>> >>> @aiomas.codecs.serializable ... class A: ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x = x ... self._y = y ... ... @property ... def y(self): ... return self._y >>> >>> codec = aiomas.codecs.JSON() >>> codec.add_serializer(*A.__serializer__()) >>> a = codec.decode(codec.encode(A(1, 2))) >>> a A(x=1, y=2) """ def wrap(cls): attrs = [a for a in inspect.signature(cls).parameters] def __asdict__(self): return {a: getattr(self, a) for a in attrs} @classmethod def __fromdict__(cls, attrs): return cls(**attrs) def __repr__(self): args = ('%s=%r' % (a, getattr(self, a)) for a in attrs) return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(args)) @classmethod def __serializer__(cls): return (cls, cls.__asdict__, cls.__fromdict__) cls.__asdict__ = __asdict__ cls.__fromdict__ = __fromdict__ cls.__serializer__ = __serializer__ if repr: cls.__repr__ = __repr__ return cls # The type of "cls" depends on the usage of the decorator. It's a class if # it's used as `@serializable` but ``None`` if used as `@serializable()`. if cls is None: return wrap else: return wrap(cls)
[docs]class Codec: """Base class for all Codecs. Subclasses must implement :meth:`encode()` and :meth:`decode()`. """ def __init__(self): self._serializers = {} self._deserializers = {} def __str__(self): return '%s[%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(s.__name__ for s in self._serializers))
[docs] def encode(self, data): """Encode the given *data* and return a :class:`bytes` object.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def decode(self, data): """Decode *data* from :class:`bytes` to the original data structure.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_serializer(self, type, serialize, deserialize): """Add methods to *serialize* and *deserialize* objects typed *type*. This can be used to de-/encode objects that the codec otherwise couldn't encode. *serialize* will receive the unencoded object and needs to return an encodable serialization of it. *deserialize* will receive an objects representation and should return an instance of the original object. """ if type in self._serializers: raise ValueError('There is already a serializer for type "%s"' % type) typeid = len(self._serializers) self._serializers[type] = (typeid, serialize) self._deserializers[typeid] = deserialize
[docs] def serialize_obj(self, obj): """Serialize *obj* to something that the codec can encode.""" orig_type = otype = type(obj) if otype not in self._serializers: # Fallback to a generic serializer (if available) otype = object try: typeid, serialize = self._serializers[otype] except KeyError: raise SerializationError('No serializer found for type "%s"' % orig_type) from None try: return {'__type__': (typeid, serialize(obj))} except Exception as e: raise SerializationError('Could not serialize object "%r": %s' % (obj, e)) from e
[docs] def deserialize_obj(self, obj_repr): """Deserialize the original object from *obj_repr*.""" # This method is called for *all* dicts so we have to check if it # contains a desrializable type. if '__type__' in obj_repr: typeid, data = obj_repr['__type__'] obj_repr = self._deserializers[typeid](data) return obj_repr
[docs]class JSON(Codec): """A :class:`Codec` that uses *JSON* to encode and decode messages.""" def encode(self, data): return json.dumps(data, default=self.serialize_obj).encode() def decode(self, data): return json.loads(data.decode(), object_hook=self.deserialize_obj)
[docs]class MsgPack(Codec): """A :class:`Codec` that uses *msgpack* to encode and decode messages.""" def __init__(self): if msgpack is None: msg = ('Please install "msgpack-python" to use the %s codec: ' 'pip install -U aiomas[mp]' % self.__class__.__name__) raise ImportError(msg) super().__init__() def encode(self, data): return msgpack.packb( data, default=self.serialize_obj, use_bin_type=True) def decode(self, data): return msgpack.unpackb(data, object_hook=self.deserialize_obj, use_list=False, encoding='utf-8')
[docs]class MsgPackBlosc(Codec): """A :class:`Codec` that uses *msgpack* to encode and decode messages and *blosc* to compress them.""" def __init__(self): if msgpack is None or blosc is None: msg = ('Please install "msgpack-python" and "blosc" to use the %s ' 'codec: pip install -U aiomas[mpb]' % self.__class__.__name__) raise ImportError(msg) super().__init__() def encode(self, data): return blosc.compress(msgpack.packb( data, default=self.serialize_obj, use_bin_type=True), TYPESIZE) def decode(self, data): return msgpack.unpackb(blosc.decompress(bytes(data)), object_hook=self.deserialize_obj, use_list=False, encoding='utf-8')