Source code for aiomas.clocks

Clocks to be used with :class:`aiomas.agent.Container`.

All clocks should subclass :class:`BaseClock`.  Currently available clock types

- :class:`AsyncioClock`: a real-time clock synchronized with the :mod:`asyncio`
  event loop.

- :class:`ExternalClock`: a clock that can be set by external tasks / processes
  in order to synchronize it with external systems or simulators.

import asyncio
import heapq
import itertools

import arrow

__all__ = ['BaseClock', 'AsyncioClock', 'ExternalClock', 'TimerHandle']

[docs]class BaseClock: """Interface for clocks. Clocks must at least implement :meth:`time()` and :meth:`utcnow`. """
[docs] def time(self): """Return the value (in seconds) of a monotonic clock. The return value of consecutive calls is guaranteed to be greater or equal then the results of previous calls. The initial value may not be defined. Don't depend on it. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def utcnow(self): """Return an :class:`arrow.arrow.Arrow` date with the current time in UTC.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def sleep(self, dt, result=None): """Sleep for a period *dt* in seconds. Return an :class:`asyncio.Future`. If *result* is provided, it will be passed back to the caller when the coroutine has finished. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def sleep_until(self, t, result=None): """Sleep until the time *t*. Return an :class:`asyncio.Future`. *t* may either be a number in seconds or an :class:`arrow.arrow.Arrow` date. If *result* is provided, it will be passed back to the caller when the coroutine has finished. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def call_in(self, dt, func, *args): """Schedule the execution of ``func(*args)`` in *dt* seconds and return immediately. Return an opaque handle which lets you cancel the scheduled call via its ``cancel()`` method. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def call_at(self, t, func, *args): """Schedule the execution of ``func(*args)`` at *t* and return immediately. *t* may either be a number in seconds or an :class:`arrow.arrow.Arrow` date. Return an opaque handle which lets you cancel the scheduled call via its ``cancel()`` method. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _check_date(self, date): """Assert that *date* is not in the past and convert it into float if it is an :class:`arrow.arrow.Arrow`.""" if isinstance(date, arrow.arrow.Arrow): t = (date - self.utcnow()).total_seconds() + self.time() else: t = date if t <= self.time(): raise ValueError('Date "{}" is in the past'.format(date)) return t
[docs]class AsyncioClock(BaseClock): """:mod:`asyncio` based real-time clock.""" def __init__(self, loop=None): if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._loop = loop def time(self): return self._loop.time() def utcnow(self): return arrow.utcnow() def sleep(self, dt, result=None): return asyncio.sleep(dt, result, loop=self._loop) def sleep_until(self, t, result=None): t = self._check_date(t) return asyncio.sleep(t - self.time(), result, loop=self._loop) def call_in(self, dt, func, *args): return self._loop.call_later(dt, func, *args) def call_at(self, t, func, *args): t = self._check_date(t) return self._loop.call_at(t, func, *args)
[docs]class ExternalClock(BaseClock): """A clock that can be set by external process in order to synchronize it with other systems. The initial UTC date *utc_start* may either be an :class:`arrow.arrow.Arrow` instance or something that :meth:`arrow.factory.ArrowFactory.get()` can parse. """ def __init__(self, utc_start, init_time=0, loop=None): if not isinstance(utc_start, arrow.arrow.Arrow): utc_start = arrow.get(utc_start).to(tz='UTC') if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._time = init_time self._utc_start = utc_start self._loop = loop self._queue = [] self._eid = itertools.count() def time(self): return self._time def utcnow(self): return self._utc_start.replace(seconds=self._time) def set_time(self, t): if t <= self._time: raise ValueError('Time must be > {} but is {}' .format(self._time, t)) self._time = t while self._queue and self._queue[0][0] <= t: _, _, future, result = heapq.heappop(self._queue) if not future.cancelled(): future.set_result(result) def sleep(self, dt, result=None): if dt <= 0: raise ValueError('dt must be > 0 but is {}'.format(dt)) return self.sleep_until(self._time + dt, result) def sleep_until(self, t, result=None): t = self._check_date(t) f = self._loop.create_future() heapq.heappush(self._queue, (t, next(self._eid), f, result)) return f def call_in(self, dt, func, *args): if dt <= 0: raise ValueError('dt must be > 0 but is {}'.format(dt)) return self.call_at(self._time + dt, func, *args) def call_at(self, t, func, *args): def cb(fut): func(*args) t = self._check_date(t) f = self.sleep_until(t) f.add_done_callback(cb) return TimerHandle(f, cb)
[docs]class TimerHandle: """This class lets you cancel calls scheduled by :class:`ExternalClock`.""" def __init__(self, future, callback): self._future = future self._callback = callback
[docs] def cancel(self): """Cancel the scheduled call represented by this handle.""" self._future.remove_done_callback(self._callback) self._future.cancel()