Source code for aiomas.rpc

This module implements remote procedure calls (RPC) on top of request-reply
channels (see :mod:``).

RPC connections are represented by instances of :class:`RpcClient` (one for
each side of a :class:``).  They provide access to the
functions served by the peer via :class:`Proxy` instances.  Optionally, they
can provide their own RPC service so that the peer can make calls as well.

An RPC service is an object with a ``router`` attribute which is an instance of
:class:`Router`.  A router resolves paths requested by the peer.  It can also
handle sub-routers (which allows you to build hierarchies for nested calls) and
is able to perform a reverse-lookup of a router (mapping a fuction to its

Routers an be attached to both, classes and dictionaries with functions.
Dictionaires need to be wrapped with a :class:`ServiceDict`.  Classes need to
have a :class:`Service` class attribute named ``router``.  :class:`Service` is
a descriptor which creates a :class:`Router` for every instance of that class.

Functions that should be callable from the remote side must be decorated with
:func:`expose()`; :func:`Router.expose()` and :func:`Service.expose()` are
aliases for it.

from asyncio import coroutine
import asyncio
import logging
import weakref

from . import channel, exceptions

__all__ = [
    'open_connection', 'start_server', 'rpc_service_process', 'expose',
    'Service', 'ServiceDict', 'Router', 'RpcClient', 'Proxy',

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def open_connection(addr, *, rpc_service=None, **kwds): """Return an :class:`RpcClient` connected to *addr*. This is a convenience wrapper for :meth:``. All keyword arguments *(kwds)* are forwared to it. You can optionally pass a *rpc_service* to allow the peer to call back to us. This function is a `coroutine <>`_. """ if rpc_service is not None and not _is_rpc_service(rpc_service): raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid RPC service.' % rpc_service) c = yield from channel.open_connection(addr, **kwds) return RpcClient(c, rpc_service)
[docs]def start_server(addr, rpc_service, client_connected_cb=None, **kwds): """Start a server socket on *host:port* and create an RPC service with the provided *handler* for each new client. This is a convenience wrapper for :meth:``. All keyword arguments *(kwds)* are forwared to it. *rpc_service* must be an RPC service (an object with a ``router`` attribute that is an instance of :class:`Router`). *client_connected_cb* is an optional callback that will be called with with the :class:`RpcClient` instance for each new connection. Raise a :exc:`ValueError` if *handler* is not decorated properly. This function is a `coroutine <>`_. """ if not _is_rpc_service(rpc_service): raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid RPC service.' % rpc_service) def fac(channel): """Create an RPC client for each new connection and call the *client_connected_cb* if there is one.""" rpc_cli = RpcClient(channel, rpc_service) if client_connected_cb: client_connected_cb(rpc_cli) return rpc_cli server = yield from channel.start_server(addr, fac, **kwds) return server
[docs]def rpc_service_process(rpc_client, router, channel): """RPC service process for a connection *rpc_lient*. Serves the functions provided by the :class:`Router` *router* via the :class:`` *channel*. Forward errors raised by the handler to the caller. Stop running when the connection closes. This function is a `coroutine <>`_. """ loop = channel._loop try: while True: # Wait for a request request = yield from channel.recv() # Dispatch handling of the request to a sub task to make dead-locks # less likely when multiple agents share the same connection. asyncio.async(_handle_request(request, loop, router), loop=loop) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except ConnectionError as ce: rpc_client._connection_reset(ce) finally: try: yield from channel.close() except RuntimeError: # May happen when the loop is already closed pass
@coroutine def _handle_request(request, loop, router): """Handle the *request*. Resolve the path, execute the corresponding message and set the result or exception. """ path, args, kwargs = request.content # logger.debug('Request: [%s, %s, %s]' % (path, args, kwargs)) # Resolve requested path try: func = router.resolve(path) except LookupError as exc: yield from return # Call requested function try: res = func(*args, **kwargs) if asyncio.iscoroutine(res): res = yield from asyncio.async(res, loop=loop) reply = request.reply except Exception as e: reply = res = e try: yield from reply(res) except ConnectionResetError: pass def _is_rpc_service(obj): if not hasattr(obj, 'router'): return False if not isinstance(obj.router, Router): return False return True
[docs]def expose(func): """Decorator that enables RPC access to the decorated function. *func* will not be wrapped but only gain an ``__rpc__`` attribute. """ if not hasattr(func, '__call__'): raise ValueError('"%s" is not callable.' % func) func.__rpc__ = True return func
[docs]class ServiceDict: """Wrapper for dicts so that they can be used as RPC routers.""" __rpc__ = True def __init__(self, dict=None): self.dict = {} if dict is None else dict """The wrapped dict.""" self.router = Router(self) """The dict's router instance.""" self.__getrpc__ = self.dict.__getitem__ for key, val in self.dict.items(): # Iterate over all entries and look for objects with routers. # Set *router* as parent to these sub-routers. if hasattr(val, 'router'): Router.set_sub_router(self.router, val.router, key)
[docs]class Service: """A Data Descriptor that creates a new :class:`Router` instance for each class instance to which it is set. The attribute name for the Service should always be *router*:: class Spam: router = aiomas.rpc.Service() You can optionally pass a list with the attribute names of classes with sub-routers. This required to build hierarchies of routers, e.g.:: class Eggs: router = aiomas.rpc.Service() class Spam: router = aiomas.rpc.Service(['eggs']) def __init__(self): self.eggs = Eggs() # Instance with a sub-router """ def __init__(self, sub_routers=()): self._sub_router_names = sub_routers def __set__(self, instance, value): """Raise :exc:`AttributeError` to forbid overwriting this attribute.""" raise AttributeError('Read-only attribute.') def __get__(self, instance, cls): """If accessed from the class, return this Service instance. If accessed from an *instance*, return the :class:`Router` instance for *instance*. """ if instance is None: return self if 'router' not in instance.__dict__: # Create new Router for "instance" and add all sub-router: router = instance.__dict__.setdefault('router', Router(instance)) for name in self._sub_router_names: router.add(name) return instance.__dict__['router'] expose = staticmethod(expose) """Alias for :func:`expose()`."""
[docs]class Router: """The Router resolves paths to functions provided by their object *obj* (or its children). It can also perform a reverse lookup to get the path of the router (and the router's *obj*). The *obj* can be a class, an instance or a dict. """ def __init__(self, obj): # Mark *obj* as node in the RPC hierarchy and and create an alias # for accessing its child elements. obj.__rpc__ = True obj.__getrpc__ = obj.__getattribute__ self.obj = obj #: The object to which this router belongs to. = '' #: The name of the router (empty for root routers). self.parent = None #: The parent router or ``None`` for root routers. self._cache = {} # Maps already resolved paths to functions @property def path(self): """The path to this router (without trailing slash).""" router = self parts = [] while router.parent is not None: # We go from child to root here parts.append( router = router.parent return '/'.join(reversed(parts)) # Reverse to get root first
[docs] def resolve(self, path): """Resolve *path* and return the corresponding function. *path* is a string with path components separated by */* (without trailing slash). Raise a :exc:`LookupError` if no handler function can be found for *path* or if the function is not exposed (see :func:`expose()`). """ try: obj = self._cache[path] except KeyError: parent = None obj = self.obj parts = path.split('/') for i, name in enumerate(parts): try: parent, obj = obj, obj.__getrpc__(name) except (AttributeError, KeyError): raise LookupError('Name "%s" not found in "%s"' % (name, '/'.join(parts[:i]))) from None if not hasattr(obj, '__rpc__'): cls = parent.__class__ raise LookupError('"%s.%s.%s" is not exposed' % (cls.__module__, cls.__qualname__, name)) self._cache[path] = obj return obj
expose = staticmethod(expose) """Alias for :func:`expose()`."""
[docs] def add(self, name): """Add the sub-router *name* (stored at ``self.obj.<name>``) to this router. Convenience wrapper for :meth:`set_sub_router`. """ router = getattr(self.obj, name).router self.set_sub_router(router, name)
[docs] def set_sub_router(self, router, name): """Set *self* as parent for the *router* named *name*.""" if type(router) is not Router: raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid router.' % router) if router.parent is not None: raise ValueError('"%s" is already a sub service of "%s"' % (router.obj, router.parent.obj)) = name router.parent = self
[docs]class RpcClient: """The RpcClient provides proxy objects for remote calls via its :attr:`remote` attribute. *channel* is a :class:`` instance for communicating with the remote side. If *rpc_service* is not ``None``, it will also start its own RPC service so the peer can call the functions we provide. """ def __init__(self, channel, rpc_service=None): self.__channel = channel self.__channel.codec.add_serializer(object, self._serialize_obj, self._deserialize_obj) self.__root_router = None self.__service = None self.__connection_reset_callback = None if rpc_service is not None: self.__root_router = rpc_service.router self.__service = asyncio.async( rpc_service_process(self, rpc_service.router, channel), loop=channel._loop) @property def channel(self): """The communication :class:`` of this instance. """ return self.__channel @property def service(self): """The RPC service process for this connection.""" return self.__service @property def remote(self): """A :class:`Proxy` for remote methods.""" return Proxy(self.__channel, '')
[docs] def on_connection_reset(self, callback): """Add a *callback* that gets called if the peer closes the connection and thus causing the :attr:`service` process to abort. *callback* is a callable with a single argument, the exception that the :attr:`service` process raises if the connection is reset by the peer. If this method is called multiple times, override the current callback with the new one. If *callback* is ``None``, delete the current callback. Raise a :exc:`ValueError` if *callback* is neither callable nor ``None``. Raise a :exc:`RuntimeError` if this instance has not service task running. """ if self.__service is None: raise RuntimeError('This %s instance has no RPC service running.' % self.__class__.__name__) if not (callback is None or hasattr(callback, '__call__')): raise ValueError('%r must be "None" or callable but is neither' % callback) self.__connection_reset_callback = callback
[docs] def close(self): """`Coroutine <>`_ that closes the connection and waits for all sub tasks to finish.""" self.close() yield from self.__channel.close() if self.__service is not None: if not self.__service.done(): self.__service.cancel() yield from self.__service
def _connection_reset(self, exc): """Callback that is executed when a :exc:`ConnectionError` is raised within :attr:`service`. Using the *connection reset callback* (also see :meth:`on_connection_reset()`), the user can check if the connection reset was intentional or an error and react accordingly. """ if self.__connection_reset_callback is not None: self.__connection_reset_callback(exc) def _serialize_obj(self, obj): """Fallback serializer for all objects for which no other serializer was found. It will only serialize valid RPC services and only if "self" has a service process running and the RPC service is associated with it. Else, raise a :exc:`SerializationError`. """ # Check if "obj" is a valid RPC service if not _is_rpc_service(obj): raise exceptions.SerializationError('No serializer found for type ' '"%s"' % type(obj)) # Check if we have a service running: if self.__root_router is None: raise exceptions.SerializationError( 'No RPC service running for this side of the connection. ' 'Cannot send serice proxy.') # Check if "obj.router" is self.__root_router or one of its children router = obj.router while router.parent is not None: router = router.parent if router is not self.__root_router: raise exceptions.SerializationError('The RPC service "%r" is not ' 'exposed for this connection' % obj) return obj.router.path def _deserialize_obj(self, path): return Proxy(self.__channel, path)
[docs]class Proxy: """Proxy object for remote objects and functions.""" def __init__(self, channel, path): self._channel = channel self._path = path self._cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self._str = None def __repr__(self): return '<%s.%s at 0x%x>' % (self.__module__, self, id(self)) def __str__(self): return self._str if self._str else '%s(%r, %r)' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self._channel.get_extra_info('peername')[:2], self._path)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): """Return a new proxy for *name*.""" if name in self._cache: proxy = self._cache[name] else: path = name if not self._path else self._path + '/' + name proxy = self.__class__(self._channel, path) self._cache[name] = proxy return proxy
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Call the remote method represented by this proxy and return its result. The result is a future, so you need to ``yield from`` it in order to get the actual return value (or exception). """ if not self._path: raise AttributeError('No RPC function name specified.') return self._channel.send((self._path, args, kwargs))
def __eq__(self, other): return self._channel is other._channel and self._path == other._path def __hash__(self): return hash(self._channel) + hash(self._path)