Source code for

This module implements and asyncio :class:`asyncio.Protocol` protocol for a
request-reply :class:`Channel`.

from asyncio import coroutine
import asyncio
import collections
import itertools
import logging
import struct
import traceback

from aiomas.exceptions import RemoteException
import aiomas.codecs

__all__ = [
    'open_connection', 'start_server',
    'Header', 'Request', 'Channel', 'ChannelProtocol',

# Message types

DEFAULT_CODEC = aiomas.codecs.JSON

Header = struct.Struct('!L')

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def open_connection(addr, *, loop=None, codec=None, extra_serializers=(), **kwds): """Return a :class:`Channel` connected to *addr*. This is a convenience wrapper for :meth:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop.create_connection()` and :meth:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop.create_unix_connection`. If *addr* is a tuple ``(host, port)``, a TCP connection will be created. If *addr* is a string, it should be a path name pointing to the unix domain socket to connect to. You can optionally provide the event *loop* to use. By default, the :class:`~aiomas.codecs.JSON` *codec* is used. You can override this by passing any subclass of :class:`aiomas.codecs.Codec` as *codec*. You can also pass a list of *extra_serializers* for the codec. The list entires need to be callables that return a tuple with the arguments for :meth:`~aiomas.codecs.Codec.add_serializer()`. The remaining keyword argumens *kwds* are forwarded to :meth:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop.create_connection()` and :meth:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop.create_unix_connection` respectively. """ if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() codec = codec() if codec else DEFAULT_CODEC() for s in extra_serializers: codec.add_serializer(*s()) def factory(): return ChannelProtocol(codec, loop=loop) if type(addr) is tuple: t, p = yield from loop.create_connection(factory, *addr, **kwds) elif type(addr) is str: t, p = yield from loop.create_unix_connection(factory, addr, **kwds) else: raise ValueError('Unkown address type: %s' % addr) return
[docs]def start_server(addr, client_connected_cb, *, loop=None, codec=None, extra_serializers=(), **kwds): """Start a server listening on *addr* and call *client_connected_cb* for every client connecting to it. This function is a convenience wrapper for :meth:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop.create_server()` and :meth:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop.create_unix_server`. If *addr* is a tuple ``(host, port)``, a TCP socket will be created. If *addr* is a string, a unix domain socket at this path will be created. The single argument of the callable *client_connected_cb* is a new instance of :class:`Channel`. You can optionally provide the event *loop* to use. By default, the :class:`~aiomas.codecs.JSON` *codec* is used. You can override this by passing any subclass of :class:`aiomas.codecs.Codec` as *codec*. You can also pass a list of *extra_serializers* for the codec. The list entires need to be callables that return a tuple with the arguments for :meth:`~aiomas.codecs.Codec.add_serializer()`. The remaining keyword argumens *kwds* are forwarded to :meth:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop.create_server()` and :meth:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop.create_unix_server` respectively. """ if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if not codec: codec = DEFAULT_CODEC def factory(): c = codec() for s in extra_serializers: c.add_serializer(*s()) return ChannelProtocol(c, client_connected_cb, loop=loop) if type(addr) is tuple: return (yield from loop.create_server(factory, *addr, **kwds)) elif type(addr) is str: return (yield from loop.create_unix_server(factory, addr, **kwds)) else: raise ValueError('Unkown address type: %s' % addr)
[docs]class ChannelProtocol(asyncio.Protocol): """Asyncio :class:`asyncio.Protocol` which connects the low level transport with the high level :class:`Channel` API. The *codec* is used to (de)serialize messages. It should be a sub-class of :class:`aiomas.codecs.Codec`. Optionally you can also pass a function/coroutine *client_connected_cb* that will be executed when a new connection is made (see :func:`start_server()`). """ def __init__(self, codec, client_connected_cb=None, *, loop): super().__init__() self.codec = codec self.transport = None = None self._client_connected_cb = client_connected_cb self._loop = loop self._buffer = bytearray() self._read_size = None # For flow control self._paused = False self._drain_waiter = None self._connection_lost = False self._out_msgs = asyncio.Queue() self._task_process_out_msgs = asyncio.async(self._process_out_msgs())
[docs] def connection_made(self, transport): """Create a new :class:`Channel` instance for a new connection. Also call the *client_connected_cb* if one was passed to this class. """ self.transport = transport = Channel(self, self.codec, transport, loop=self._loop) if self._client_connected_cb is not None: res = self._client_connected_cb( if asyncio.iscoroutine(res): asyncio.async(res, loop=self._loop)
[docs] def connection_lost(self, exc): """Set a :exc:`ConnectionError` to the :class:`Channel` to indicate that the connection is closed.""" if exc is None: # pragma: no branch exc = ConnectionError('Connection closed') # Flow control self._connection_lost = True self._task_process_out_msgs.cancel() # Wake up the writer if currently paused. if not self._paused: return waiter = self._drain_waiter if waiter is None: return self._drain_waiter = None if waiter.done(): return waiter.set_exception(exc) # if exc is None: # waiter.set_result(None) # else: # waiter.set_exception(exc)
[docs] def data_received(self, data): """Buffer incomming data until we have a complete message and then pass it to :class:`Channel`. Messages are fixed length. The first four bytes (in network byte order) encode the length of the following payload. The payload is a triple ``(msg_type, msg_id, content)`` encoded with the specified *codec*. """ self._buffer.extend(data) while True: # We may have more then one message in the buffer, # so we loop over the buffer until we got all complete messages. if self._read_size is None and len(self._buffer) >= Header.size: # Received the complete header of a new message self._read_size = Header.unpack_from(self._buffer)[0] # TODO: Check for too large messages? self._read_size += Header.size if self._read_size and len(self._buffer) >= self._read_size: # At least one complete message is in the buffer data = self._buffer[Header.size:self._read_size] self._buffer = self._buffer[self._read_size:] self._read_size = None msg_type, msg_id, content = self.codec.decode(data) try:, msg_id, content) except RuntimeError as exc: else: # No complete message in the buffer. We are done. break
[docs] def eof_received(self): """Set a :exc:`ConnectionResetError` to the :class:`Channel`.""" # In previous revisions, an IncompleteMessage error was raised if we # already received the beginning of a new message. However, having # to types of exceptions raised by this methods makes things more # complicated for the user. The benefit of the IncompleteMessage was # not big enough.
[docs] def write(self, content): """Serialize *content* and write the result to the transport. This method is a coroutine. """ content = Header.pack(len(content)) + content done = asyncio.Future() self._out_msgs.put_nowait((done, content)) yield from done
[docs] def pause_writing(self): """Set the *paused* flag to ``True``. Can only be called if we are not already paused. """ assert not self._paused self._paused = True if self._loop.get_debug(): logger.debug("%r pauses writing", self)
[docs] def resume_writing(self): """Set the *paused* flat to ``False`` and trigger the waiter future. Can only be called if we are paused. """ assert self._paused self._paused = False if self._loop.get_debug(): logger.debug("%r resumes writing", self) waiter = self._drain_waiter if waiter is not None: self._drain_waiter = None if not waiter.done(): waiter.set_result(None)
@coroutine def _process_out_msgs(self): try: while True: done, content = yield from self._out_msgs.get() self.transport.write(content) yield from self._drain_helper() done.set_result(None) except asyncio.CancelledError: assert self._connection_lost @coroutine def _drain_helper(self, before=False): if self._connection_lost: raise ConnectionResetError('Connection lost') if not self._paused: return waiter = self._drain_waiter assert waiter is None or waiter.cancelled() waiter = asyncio.Future(loop=self._loop) self._drain_waiter = waiter yield from waiter
[docs]class Request: """Represents a request returned by :meth:`Channel.recv()`. You shoudn't instantiate it yourself. *content* contains the incoming message. *msg_id* is the ID for that message. It is unique within a channel. *protocol* is the channel's :class:`ChannelProtocol` instance that is used for writing back the reply. To reply to that request you can ``yield from`` :meth:`Request.reply()` or :meth:``. """ def __init__(self, content, message_id, protocol): self._content = content self._msg_id = message_id self._protocol = protocol @property def content(self): """The content of the incoming message.""" return self._content @coroutine
[docs] def reply(self, result): """Reply to the request with the provided result.""" protocol = self._protocol content = (RESULT, self._msg_id, result) try: content = protocol.codec.encode(content) except Exception as e: return (yield from else: yield from protocol.write(content)
[docs] def fail(self, exception): """Indicate a failure described by the *exception* instance. This will raise a :exc:`~aiomas.exceptions.RemoteException` on the other side of the channel. """ protocol = self._protocol stacktrace = traceback.format_exception(exception.__class__, exception, exception.__traceback__) content = (EXCEPTION, self._msg_id, ''.join(stacktrace)) content = protocol.codec.encode(content) yield from protocol.write(content)
[docs]class Channel: """A Channel represents a request-reply channel between two endpoints. An instance of it is returned by :func:`open_connection()` or is passed to the callback of :func:`start_server()`. *protocol* is an instance of :class:`ChannelProtocol`. *transport* is an :class:`asyncio.BaseTransport`. *loop* is an instance of an :class:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop`. """ def __init__(self, protocol, codec, transport, loop): self._protocol = protocol self._codec = codec self._transport = transport self._loop = loop self._message_id = itertools.count() self._out_messages = {} # message_id -> message self._in_queue = collections.deque() self._waiter = None # A future. self._exception = None @property def codec(self): """The codec used to de-/encode messages send via the channel.""" return self._codec @property def transport(self): """The transport of this channel (see the `Python documentation <>`_ for details). """ return self._transport
[docs] def send(self, content): """Send a request *content* to the other end and return a future which is triggered when a reply arrives. One of the following exceptions may be raised: - :exc:`~aiomas.exceptions.RemoteException`: The remote site raised an exception during the computation of the result. - :exc:`ConnectionError` (or its subclass :exc:`ConnectionResetError`): The connection was closed during the request. - :exc:`RuntimeError`: - If an invalid message type was received. - If the future returned by this method was already triggered or canceled by a third party when an answer to the request arrives (e.g., if a task containing the future is cancelled). You get more detailed exception messages if you `enable asyncio's debug mode`__ __ .. code-block:: python try: result = yield from channel.request('ohai') except RemoteException as exc: print(exc) """ if self._exception is not None: raise self._exception message_id = next(self._message_id) out_message = asyncio.Future(loop=self._loop) if self._loop.get_debug(): self._out_messages[message_id] = (out_message, content) else: self._out_messages[message_id] = out_message data = self._codec.encode((REQUEST, message_id, content)) asyncio.async(self._protocol.write(data), loop=self._loop) return out_message
[docs] def recv(self): """Wait for an incoming :class:`Request` and return it. May raise one of the following exceptions: - :exc:`ConnectionError` (or its subclass :exc:`ConnectionResetError`): The connection was closed during the request. - :exc:`RuntimeError`: If two processes try to read from the same channel or if an invalid message type was received. """ if self._exception is not None: raise self._exception if not self._in_queue: if self._waiter is not None: raise RuntimeError('recv() called while another coroutine is ' 'already waiting for incoming data.') self._waiter = asyncio.Future(loop=self._loop) try: yield from self._waiter finally: self._waiter = None return self._in_queue.popleft()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the channel's transport.""" if self._transport is not None: transport = self._transport self._transport = None return transport.close()
[docs] def get_extra_info(self, name, default=None): """Wrapper for :meth:`asyncio.BaseTransport.get_extra_info()`.""" return self._transport.get_extra_info(name, default)
def _feed_data(self, msg_type, msg_id, content): """Called by :class:`ChannelProtocol` when a new message arrived.""" if msg_type == REQUEST: message = Request(content, msg_id, self._protocol) self._in_queue.append(message) waiter = self._waiter if waiter is not None: self._waiter = None waiter.set_result(False) elif msg_type == RESULT or msg_type == EXCEPTION: if self._loop.get_debug(): message, req = self._out_messages.pop(msg_id) else: message = self._out_messages.pop(msg_id) if message.done(): errmsg = 'Request reply already set.' if message.cancelled(): errmsg = 'Request was cancelled.' if self._loop.get_debug(): errmsg += ' Request: %s; Reply: %s' % (req, content) raise RuntimeError(errmsg) if msg_type == RESULT: message.set_result(content) else: origin = self.get_extra_info('peername') message.set_exception(RemoteException(origin, content)) else: raise RuntimeError('Invalid message type %d' % msg_type) def _set_exception(self, exc): """Set an exception as result for all futures managed by the Channel in order to stop all coroutines from reading/writing to the socket.""" self._exception = exc # Set exception to wait-recv future waiter = self._waiter if waiter is not None: self._waiter = None if not waiter.cancelled(): waiter.set_exception(exc) # Set exception to all message futures which wait for a reply for msg in self._out_messages.values(): if self._loop.get_debug(): msg, _ = msg if not msg.done(): msg.set_exception(exc) self.close()