Source code for aiomas.agent

This module implements the base class for agents (:class:`Agent`) and
containers for agents (:class:`Container`).

Every agent must live in a container.  A container can contain one ore more
agents.  Containers are responsible for making connections to other containers
and agents.  They also provide a factory function for spawning new agent
instances and registering them with the container.

Thus, the :class:`Agent` base class is very light-weight.  It only has a name,
a reference to its container and an RPC router (see :mod:`aiomas.rpc`).

import asyncio
import weakref
import socket

import aiomas.codecs
import aiomas.clocks
import aiomas.rpc
import aiomas.util

__all__ = ['Container', 'Agent']

    'tcp',  # TCP sockets
    'ipc',  # Inter Process Communication with Unix domain sockets

[docs]class Container: """Container for agents. It can instantiate new agents via :meth:`spawn()` and can create connections to other agents (via :meth:`connect()`). In order to destroy a container and close all of its sockets, call :meth:`shutdown()`. When a container is created, it also creates a server socket and binds it to *addr* which is a ``('host', port)`` tuple (see the *host* and *port* parameters of :meth:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop.create_server()` for details). You can optionally also pass a *codec* class. Note that containers can only "talk" to containers using the same codec. You can also pass a list of *extra_serializers* for the codec. The list entires need to be callables that return a tuple with the arguments for :meth:`~aiomas.codecs.Codec.add_serializer()`. To decouple a multi-agent system from the system clock, you can pass an optional *clock* object which should be an instance of :class:`~aiomas.clocks.BaseClock`. This makes it easier to integrate your system with other simulators that may provide a clock for you or to let your MAS run as fast as possible. By default, :class:`~aiomas.clocks.AsyncioClock` will be used. """ router = aiomas.rpc.Service(['agents']) def __init__(self, addr, clock=None, codec=None, extra_serializers=()): if codec is None: codec = if clock is None: clock = aiomas.clocks.AsyncioClock() self._addr = addr self._codec = codec self._extra_serializers = [aiomas.clocks.arrow_serializer] self._extra_serializers += extra_serializers self._clock = clock # Set a sensbile hostname if type(addr) is tuple: if addr[0] in [None, '', '::', '']: # Use the FQDN if we bind to all interfaces self._host = socket.getfqdn() else: # Use the IP address or host name if not self._host = addr[0] self._port = addr[1] else: self._host = None self._port = None # The agents managed by this container. # The agents' routers are subrouters of the container's root router. self.agents = aiomas.rpc.RoutingDict() # RPC service for this container self._tcp_server = None self._rpc_cons = set() self._tcp_server_started = aiomas.util.async(self._start_tcp_server()) # Caches self._connections_out_futs = {} # Futures for outgoing connections self._connections_out = {} # RPC connections to containers by address self._remote_agent_futs = {} # Futures for remote agent validation self._remote_agents = {} # Validated remote agents by connection def __str__(self): return '%s(%r, %s, %s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._addr, self._clock.__class__.__name__, self._codec.__name__) @property def codec(self): """The codec used by this container. Instance of :class:`aiomas.codecs.Codec`.""" return self._codec @property def clock(self): """The clock of the container. Instance of :class:`aiomas.clocks.BaseClock`.""" return self._clock
[docs] def spawn(self, agent_type, *args, **kwargs): """Create an instance of *agent_type*, passing a reference to this container, a name and the provided *args* and **kwargs** to it. This is equivalent to ``agent = agent_type(container, name, *args, **kwargs)``, but also registers the agent with the container. """ aid = str(len(self.agents.dict)) if self._host is None: url = '%s://[%s]/%s' % ('ipc', self._addr, aid) else: url = '%s://%s:%s/%s' % ('tcp', self._host, self._port, aid) agent = agent_type(self, url, *args, **kwargs) self.agents.dict[aid] = agent self.agents.router.set_sub_router(agent.router, aid) return agent
[docs] def connect(self, url): """Connect to the argent available at *url* and return a proxy to it. *url* is a string ``<protocol>://<addr>//<agent-id>`` (e.g., ``'tcp://localhost:5555/0'``). """ addr, aid = self._parse_url(url) rpc_con = yield from self._open_connection(addr) remote_agent = yield from self._validate_aid(aid, rpc_con, addr, url) return remote_agent
[docs] def shutdown(self, async=False): """Close the container's server socket and the RPC services for all outgoing TCP connections. If *async* is left to ``False``, this method calls :meth:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop.run_until_complete()` in order to wait until all sockets are closed. If the event loop is already running when you call this method, set *async* to ``True``. The return value then is a coroutine that you need to ``yield from`` in order to actually shut the container down:: yield from container.shutdown(async=True) """ @asyncio.coroutine def _shutdown(): # Wait until the TCP server is up before trying to terminate it. # self._tcp_server is None until this task is finished! yield from self._tcp_server_started if self._tcp_server: # Request closing the server socket and cancel the services self._tcp_server.close() for con in self._rpc_cons: con.service.cancel() # Close all outgoing connections for con in self._connections_out.values(): con.close() # Wait for server and services to actually terminate yield from asyncio.gather(self._tcp_server.wait_closed(), *[c.service for c in self._rpc_cons]) self._tcp_server = None self._rpc_cons = None if async: return _shutdown() else: asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(_shutdown())
[docs] def validate_aid(self, aid): """Return the class name for the agent represented by *aid* if it exists or ``None``.""" agents = self.agents.dict if aid in agents: return agents[aid].__class__.__name__
@asyncio.coroutine def _start_tcp_server(self): """Helper task to create an RPC server for this container.""" def add_to_con_cache(rpc): self._rpc_cons.add(rpc) self._tcp_server = yield from aiomas.rpc.start_server( self._addr, self.router, client_connected_cb=add_to_con_cache, codec=self._codec, extra_serializers=self._extra_serializers) def _parse_url(self, url): """Parse the agent *url* and return a ``((host, port), agent)`` tuple. Raise a :exc:`ValueError` if the URL cannot be parsed. """ try: proto, addr_aid = url.split('://', 1) assert proto in PROTOCOLS, '%s not in %s' % (proto, PROTOCOLS) if proto == 'tcp': addr, aid = addr_aid.split('/', 1) host, port = addr.rsplit(':', 1) if host[0] == '[' and host[-1] == ']': # IPv6 addresses may be surrounded by [] host = host[1:-1] addr = (host, int(port)) elif proto == 'ipc': assert addr_aid[0] == '[' addr, aid = addr_aid[1:].split(']/', 1) assert aid, 'No agent ID specified.' except (AssertionError, IndexError, ValueError) as e: raise ValueError('Cannot parse agent URL "%s": %s' % (url, e)) return addr, aid @asyncio.coroutine def _open_connection(self, addr): if addr in self._connections_out: # Return cached connection rpc_con = self._connections_out[addr] elif addr in self._connections_out_futs: # Wait for ongoing connection attempt rpc_con = yield from self._connections_out_futs[addr] else: # Open new connection fut = asyncio.Future() self._connections_out_futs[addr] = fut rpc_con = yield from aiomas.rpc.open_connection( addr, router=self.router, codec=self._codec, extra_serializers=self._extra_serializers) # Put connection into the cache self._rpc_cons.add(rpc_con) self._connections_out[addr] = rpc_con # Trigger future and remove it from the cache fut.set_result(rpc_con) self._connections_out_futs.pop(addr) # Initialize caches for remote agents self._remote_agents[rpc_con] = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self._remote_agent_futs[rpc_con] = {} return rpc_con @asyncio.coroutine def _validate_aid(self, aid, rpc_con, addr, url): remote_agents = self._remote_agents[rpc_con] remote_agent_futs = self._remote_agent_futs[rpc_con] if aid in remote_agents: remote_agent = remote_agents[aid] elif aid in remote_agent_futs: remote_agent = yield from remote_agent_futs[aid] else: fut = asyncio.Future() remote_agent_futs[aid] = fut remote_type = yield from rpc_con.remote.validate_aid(aid) if remote_type is None: raise ConnectionError('Agent "%s" does not exist in ' 'Container(%r)' % (aid, addr)) remote_agent = getattr(rpc_con.remote.agents, aid) remote_agent._str = '%sProxy(%r)' % (remote_type, url) remote_agents[aid] = remote_agent fut.set_result(remote_agent) remote_agent_futs.pop(aid) return remote_agent
[docs]class Agent: """Base class for all agents.""" router = aiomas.rpc.Service() """Descriptor that creates an RPC :class:`~aiomas.rpc.Router` for every agent instance. You can override this in a sub-class if you need to. (Usually, you don't.) """ def __init__(self, container, addr): if type(container) != Container: raise TypeError('"container" must be a "Container" instance but ' 'is %s' % container) self.__container = container self.__addr = addr self.__name = '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, addr) def __str__(self): return self.__name @property def container(self): """The :class:`Container` that the agent lives in.""" return self.__container @property def addr(self): """The agent's address.""" return self.__addr