
This module provides easier access to the most used components of aiomas. This purely for your convenience and you can, of cource, also import everything from its actual submodule.


expose(func) Decorator that enables RPC access to the decorated function.
serializable([cls, repr]) Class decorator that makes the decorated class serializable by aiomas.codecs.


async(coro_or_future[, ignore_cancel, loop]) Run asyncio.async() with coro_or_future and set a callback that instantly raises all exceptions.
get_queue(queue_id) Return a LocalQueue instance for the given queue_id.
make_ssl_server_context(cafile, certfile, ...) Return an ssl.SSLContext that can be used by a server socket.
make_ssl_client_context(cafile, certfile, ...) Return an ssl.SSLContext that can be used by a client socket.
run([until]) Run the event loop forever or until the task/future until is finished.


AiomasError Base class for all exceptions defined by aiomas.
RemoteException(origin, remote_traceback) Wraps a traceback of an exception on the other side of a channel.


Agent(container) Base class for all agents.
AsyncioClock() asyncio based real-time clock.
Container(base_url, clock, connect_kwargs) Container for agents.
ExternalClock(utc_start[, init_time]) A clock that can be set by external process in order to synchronize it with other systems.
JSON() A Codec that uses JSON to encode and decode messages.
MsgPack() A Codec that uses msgpack to encode and decode messages.
MsgPackBlosc() A Codec that uses msgpack to encode and decode messages and blosc to compress them.
SSLCerts(cafile, certfile, keyfile) namedtuple() storing the names of a CA file, a