Enabling transport security (TLS)

This guide explains how you can encrypt all messages sent with aiomas. Transport layer security (TLS, formerly known as SSL) can be applied in a similar fashion to all three layers (channel, RPC, agent) of aiomas and the following sections will show you how.


Even if you don’t have much experience with cryptography, you should be able to follow this guide and use TLS encryption for your program.

Nonetheless, I strongly recommend you to learn the basics of it. A good read is Crypto 101, by Laurens Van Houtven. Sean Cassidy also provides a nice overview about starting with crypto. There are also various tutorials for setting up your own PKI (1, 2, 3, 4).

Security architecture

This guide assumes that your system is self-contained and you control all parts of it. This allows you to use TLS 1.2 with a modern cipher and to setup a public key infrastructure (PKI) with a self-signed root CA. All machines that you deploy your system on only thrust that CA (and ignore the CAs bundled with your OS or web browser).

Ideally, the root CA should be created on separate, non-production machine. Depending on your security requirements, that machine should not even be connected to the network.

You create a certificate signing request (CSR) on each production machine. You copy the CSR to your root CA which signs it. You then copy the signed certificate back to the production machine. Ideally, you should use an SD card for this (they are more secure than USB flash drives), but again, this depends on your security requirements and using SSH might also work for you.

The root CA

First, you create the root CA’s private key. It should at least be 2048, or better, 4096 bits long. It should also be encrypted with a strong passphrase:

$ openssl genrsa -aes256 -out ca.key 4096

The key should never leave the machine, except if you store it somewhere save (e.g., on an SD card).

Now you sign the key and create the root certificate. You use it together with the private key for signing CSRs for other machines:

$ openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -key ca.key -out ca.pem -days 1000

The command above requires some input from you. The Common Name (e.g., the FQDN) that you associate with the certificate must be different from the ones that you use for your production machine’s CSRs. The certificate should be valid for a longer period of time than the CSRs that it signs.

Certificates for production machines

You need to create one private key and CSR on each of your production machines:

$ openssl genrsa -out device.key 4096
$ openssl req -new -key device.key -out device.csr

This time, the private key is not encrypted. Otherwise, you’d have to hard-code the password into your source code (which would make the encryption futile) or enter it each time you start your program (which is unfeasible for a distributed multi-agent system). The private key should still not leave the machine; so don’t even think of putting it into version control or reusing it on another machine.

The CSR creation requires similar input as the CA certificate that you created above. As Common Name or FQDN you should enter the address on which the machines server socket will be listening.

Copy device.csr to the root CA machine and sign it there:

$ openssl x509 -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -req -in device.csr -out device.pem -days 365

The certificate will be valid for one year. You can change this if you want.

Transfer the certificate device.pem as well as copy of the CA certificate ca.pem back to the originating machine.

The device.pem will be used to authenticate that machine against other machines. ca.pem will be used to verify other machine’s certificates when they try to authenticate themselves.

Enabling TLS for channels and RPC connections

In pure asyncio programs, you enable SSL/TLS by passing an ssl.SSLContext instance to create_connection() and create_server().

aiomas.channel.open_connection() and aiomas.channel.start_server() (and similarly in the aiomas.rpc module) are just wrappers for the corresponding asyncio methods and will forward an SSLContext to them if one is provided.

Here is a minimal, commented example that demonstrate how to create proper SSL contexts:

>>> import asyncio
>>> import ssl
>>> import aiomas
>>> async def client(addr, ssl):
...     """Connect to *addr* and use the *ssl* context to enable TLS.
...     Send "ohai" to the server, print its reply and terminate."""
...     channel = await aiomas.channel.open_connection(addr, ssl=ssl)
...     reply = await channel.send('ohai')
...     print(reply)
...     channel.close()
>>> async def handle_client(channel):
...     """Handle client requests by printing them.  Send a reply and
...     terminate."""
...     request = await channel.recv()
...     print(request.content)
...     await request.reply('cya')
...     channel.close()
>>> addr = ('', 5555)
>>> # Create an SSLContext for the server supporting (only) TLS 1.2 with
>>> # Eliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman and AES in Galois/Counter Mode
>>> server_ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)
>>> server_ctx.set_ciphers('ECDH+AESGCM')
>>> # Load the cert and key for authentication against clients
>>> server_ctx.load_cert_chain(certfile='device.pem', keyfile='device.key')
>>> # The client also needs to authenticate itself with a cert signed by ca.pem
>>> server_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
>>> server_ctx.load_verify_locations(cafile='ca.pem')
>>> # Only use ECDH keys once per SSL session
>>> server_ctx.options |= ssl.OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE
>>> # Disable TLS compression
>>> server_ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION
>>> # Start the server.
>>> # It will use "server_ctx" to enable TLS for each connection.
>>> server = aiomas.run(aiomas.channel.start_server(addr, handle_client,
...                                                 ssl=server_ctx))
>>> # Create an SSLContext for the client supporting (only) TLS 1.2 with
>>> # Eliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman and AES in Galois/Counter Mode
>>> client_ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)
>>> client_ctx.set_ciphers('ECDH+AESGCM')
>>> # The server needs to authenticate itself with a cert signed by ca.pem.
>>> # And we also want ot verify its hostname.
>>> client_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
>>> client_ctx.load_verify_locations(cafile='ca.pem')
>>> client_ctx.check_hostname = True
>>> # Load the cert and key for authentication against the server
>>> client_ctx.load_cert_chain(certfile='device.pem', keyfile='device.key')
>>> # Run the client.  It will use "client_ctx" to enable TLS.
>>> aiomas.run(client(addr, client_ctx))
>>> # Shutdown the server
>>> server.close()
>>> aiomas.run(server.wait_closed())

As you can see, the SSL contexts used by servers and clients are slightly different. Clients should verify that the hostname they connected to is the same as in the server’s certificate. Servers on the other hand can set a few more options for a TLS connection.

aiomas offers two functions that create secure SSL contexts with the same settings as in the example above – make_ssl_server_context() and make_ssl_client_context():

>>> server_ctx = aiomas.make_ssl_server_context('ca.pem', 'device.pem', 'device.key')
>>> server = aiomas.run(aiomas.channel.start_server(
...     addr, handle_client, ssl=server_ctx))
>>> client_ctx = aiomas.make_ssl_client_context('ca.pem', 'device.pem', 'device.key')
>>> aiomas.run(client(addr, client_ctx))
>>> server.close()
>>> aiomas.run(server.wait_closed())

TLS configuration for agent containers

An agent Container has its own server socket and creates a number of client sockets when it connects to other containers.

You can easily enable TLS for both socket types by passing an SSLCerts instance to the container. This is a named tuple with the filenames of the root CA certificate, the certificate for authenticating the container as well as the corresponding private key:

>>> import aiomas
>>> sslcerts = aiomas.SSLCerts('ca.pem', 'device.pem', 'device.key')
>>> c = aiomas.Container.create(('', 5555), ssl=sslcerts)
>>> # Start agents and run your system
>>> # ...
>>> c.shutdown()

The container will use the make_ssl_server_context() and make_ssl_client_context() functions to create the necessary SSL contexts.

If you need more flexibility, you can alternatively pass a tuple with two SSL contexts (one for the server and one for client sockets) to the container:

>>> import aiomas
>>> server_ctx = aiomas.make_ssl_server_context('ca.pem', 'device.pem', 'device.key')
>>> client_ctx = aiomas.make_ssl_client_context('ca.pem', 'device.pem', 'device.key')
>>> c = aiomas.Container.create(('', 5555), ssl=(server_ctx, client_ctx))
>>> # Start agents and run your system
>>> # ...
>>> c.shutdown()