The agent layer

This section describes the agent layer and gives you enough information to implement your own multi-agent system without going too much into detail. For that, you should also read the section about the RPC layer.


You can think of agents as small, independent programs running in parallel. Each agent waits for input (e.g., incoming network messages), processes the input and creates, based on its internal state and the input, some output (like outgoing network messages).

You can also imagine them as being like normal objects that call other object’s methods. But instead of calling these methods directly, they do remote procedure calls (RPC) via a network connection.

In theory, that means that every agent has a little server with an event loop that waits for incoming messages and dispatches them to the corresponding method calls.

Using this model, you would quickly run out of resources with hundreds or thousands of interconnected agents. For this reason, agents are clustered in containers. A container provide the network server and event loop which all agents within the container share.

Agents are uniquely identified by the container’s address and an ID (which is unique within a container), for example: tcp://localhost:5555/0.

The following image illustrates this: If Agent C wants to send a message to Agent A, its container connects to A’s container. Agent C can now send a message to Agent A. If Agent C now wanted to send a message to Agent B, it would simply reuse the same connection.

Agents live in containers.  All agents within a container share the same network connection.

As you can see in the figure above, containers also have a clock, but you can ignore that fact for the moment. We’ll come back to that later.

So the four components of a distributed system in aiomas are:

  1. Agent: You implement your business logic in subclasses of aiomas.Agent. Agents can be reactive or proactive.

    Reactive agents only react to incoming messages, that means, they simply expose some methods that other agents can call.

    Proactive agents actively perform one ore more tasks, i.e., calling other agent’s methods.

    An agent can be both, proactive and reactive.

  2. Container: All agents live in a container. The agent container implements everything networking related (e.g., a shared RPC server) so that the agent base class can be as light-weight as possible. It also defines the codec used for message (de)serialization and provides a clock for agents.

  3. Codec: Codecs define how messages to other agents get serialized to byte strings that can be sent over the network. The base codecs can only serialize the most common object types (like numbers, strings, lists or dicts) but you can extend them with serializers for custom object types.

    The Codecs section explain all this in detail.

  4. Clock: Every container provides a clock for agents. Clocks are important for operations with a timeout (like sleep()). The default clock is a real-time clock synchronized to your system’s time.

    However, if you want to integrate your MAS with a simulation, you may want to let the time pass faster then real-time (in order to decrease the duration of your simulation). For that use case, aiomas provides a clock that can be synchronized with external sources.

    All clocks provide functions to get the current time, sleep for some time or execute a task after a given timeout. If you use these function instead of the once asyncio provides, you can easily switch between different kinds of clocks. The Clocks section provides more details and examples.

Don’t worry if you feel a bit confused now. I’ll explore all of this with small, intuitive examples.

Hello World: A single, proactive agent

In our first example, we’ll create a very simple agent which repeatedly prints “Hello, World!”:

>>> from asyncio import coroutine
>>> import aiomas
>>> class HelloWorld(aiomas.Agent):
...     def __init__(self, container, addr, name):
...         super().__init__(container, addr)
... = name
...     @coroutine
...     def run(self):
...         print(, 'says:')
...         clock = self.container.clock
...         for i in range(3):
...             yield from clock.sleep(0.1)
...             print('Hello, World!')

Agents should be a subclass of Agent. They’ll receive a reference to their container and their address which they must pass to their super class.

Our agent also defines a task run() which prints “Hello, World!” three times. The task also uses the container’s clock to sleep for a small amout of time between each print.

The clock (see clocks) exposes various time related functions similar to those that asyncio offers, but you can easily exchange the default real-time clock of a container with another one (e.g., one where time passes faster than real-time, which is very useful in simulations).

>>> container = aiomas.Container(('localhost', 5555))
>>> agent = container.spawn(HelloWorld, 'Monty')
Monty says:
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
>>> container.shutdown()

In order to run the agent, you need to start a Container first. The container will create an RPC server and bind it to the specified address.

You don’t instantiate your agent directly but via the Container.spawn() method, which will also register the agent with the container. The method receives the agent class and, optionally, (keyword) arguments for it. These arguments are passed in addition to the container and address to the agent’s __init__().

The function run() is an alias for loop = asyncio.get_event_loop(); loop.run_until_complete(task).

These are the very basics auf aiomas’ agent module. In the next section you’ll learn how an agent can call another agent’s methods.

Calling other agent’s methods

The purpose of multi-agent systems is having multiple agents calling each other’s methods. Let’s see how we do this. For the sake of simplicity we’ll create two different agent types in this example where Caller calls a method of Callee:

>>> import asyncio
>>> import aiomas
>>> class Callee(aiomas.Agent):
...     @aiomas.expose
...     def spam(self, times):
...         """Return a lot of spam."""
...         return 'spam' * times
>>> class Caller(aiomas.Agent):
...     @asyncio.coroutine
...     def run(self, callee_addr):
...         print(self, 'connecting to', callee_addr)
...         callee = yield from self.container.connect(callee_addr)
...         print(self, 'connected to', callee)
...         result = yield from callee.spam(3)
...         print(self, 'got', result)
>>> container = aiomas.Container(('localhost', 5555))
>>> callee = container.spawn(Callee)
>>> caller = container.spawn(Caller)
Caller('tcp://localhost:5555/1') connecting to tcp://localhost:5555/0
Caller('tcp://localhost:5555/1') connected to CalleeProxy('tcp://localhost:5555/0')
Caller('tcp://localhost:5555/1') got spamspamspam
>>> container.shutdown()

The agent Callee exposes its method spam() via the @aiomas.expose decorator and thus allows other agents to call this method. The arguments and return values of exposed methods need to be serializable (the next sections shows you how to add serializers for custom data types). Furthermore, exposed methods can be both, normal functions and coroutines.

The Caller agent does not expose any methods, but defines a task run() which receives the address of the remote agent. It can connect to that agent via the container’s connect() method. This is a coroutine, so you need to yield from it. It’s return value is a proxy object to the remote agent.

Proxies represent a remote object and provide access to exposed attributes (like functions) of that object. In the example above, we use the proxy to call the spam() function. Since this involves sending messages to the remote agent, you always need to use yield from with remote method calls.

  • Many agents one container
  • Many agents multiple containers on one machine
  • many agents, multiple machines.